Building a brand-new approach to customer-facing learning

Learning consultancy | Platform tendering | Digital learning | UX design | Process development

Agria is a leading provider of insurance solutions for pets and working animals, with a strong focus on preventive care. In addition to developing insurance products, Agria innovates additional services to ensure peace of mind for pet owners and animal breeders alike.

Creating the “learning landscape” to support a new vision of customer learning

One of these additional services Agria offers is courses and other educational material for better animal care.

Realizing how effective digital learning can be, Agria wanted to update their existing customer learning portal. The goal was to rebuild the portal and upgrade its contents to match today’s learning and user experience standards — to be simple to use, attractive, and useful.

Bitville was chosen as a trusted consultant for this project. Agria wanted to leverage our expertise in designing a system that would cater to the goals and requirements of both customers and internal stakeholders.

The technical foundations for an efficient ecosystem

Step one was to help Agria build a technical infrastructure to support their vision for improved customer learning.

Given our experience in learning systems, Agria entrusted us to test and interrogate platform candidates to support the tendering process. We evaluated potential solutions based on several criteria, including compatibility with Agria’s technical requirements and user experience.

Our analyses and recommendations were shared to ensure Agria had the information necessary to make an informed choice.

Content fit for customers (and how to create it)

Simultaneously we helped to redesign the Agria course portfolio to give it a fresh and cohesive look-and-feel.

Working closely with Agria’s Learning & Development as well as Brand teams, we created designed fresh course templates with an authoring tool that was new for Agria. Bitville also piloted the templates by converting existing courses as well as creating entirely new ones to be launched in the upgraded system.

To ensure smooth take-up of new methodologies within the Agria community, Bitville facilitated tool onboarding workshops and created comprehensive “how-to” guides for support. We also remained available for flexible consultation whenever help was needed.

Fitting all the pieces together

Agria’s updated customer learning portal was successfully launched after testing and troubleshooting supported by Bitville.

A significantly improved user experience was now available for Agria’s customers. The new system also supported smoother internal operations for Agria. Clear frameworks and effective resources enabled in-house teams to manage the growing course portfolio and create impactful learning that speaks to pet-owner needs.

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