Bitville AI Labs


Understand, envision, transform

As AI technology evolves, its commercial uses are multiplying rapidly. To keep pace, companies must understand the opportunities AI brings and quickly distribute needed competencies across their employees.

However, to maximize value, it isn’t enough to know what can be done with AI now. Companies also need to envision the future and the potential for AI to transform their business.


Antti Keurulainen (PhD)

Research Director
Founder of Bitville

Passion for AI

Bitville’s founder and research director, Antti Keurulainen D.Sc., specializes in deep neural networks—the technology behind practically all recent AI breakthroughs.

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For years now, together with FCAI, Aalto University, and Business Finland, we have been actively researching AI and its practical applications within organizations. We also contribute to spreading AI competencies for the general public both in university and workplace training environments.

You can find a list and description of our peer-reviewed publications at the end of this page.

How we can help

Bitville is Finland’s leading provider of digital learning solutions. By combining our state-of-the-art knowledge of AI technologies and our expertise in organizational learning, we can help build your company’s AI skills and strategy.

We offer three AI training programs. Each program is tailored to your company’s needs and objectives, and each can include both digital self-study courses and/or hands-on workshops.

AI Fundamentals

The focus in this foundational program is on building employees’ AI awareness, demystifying AI, and clarifying basic AI concepts. Course scope, topics, and methods will depend on your needs. Example topics include:

  • Fundamentals of AI and machine learning
  • Big data and AI
  • ChatGPT and prompt engineering
  • Building AI assistants without coding
  • Ethical considerations in AI
  • Cybersecurity in the AI era
AI Specialization

This program is intended for product managers, business unit managers, team leaders, and others who are considering building AI applications to improve performance or introducing new AI-based features and products. Course scope, topics, and methods will depend on your needs. Example topics include:

  • Foundation models
  • Finetuning language models
  • Introduction to AI DevOps
  • Deep learning architectures
  • AI model development and optimization
AI Leadership and Strategic Implementation

This program is tailored for those who are responsible for higher level AI related business decisions, such as AI program directors, VP of AI, etc. Course scope, topics, and methods will depend on your needs. Example topics include:

  • AI business strategy
  • Developing a portfolio of AI projects
  • Lowering the barrier for adopting AI
  • AI and change management
  • Risks with AI