Customized learning journeys for a thriving culture of sustainability

Digital Learning | Localisation | Sustainability | ESG

Kesko is Finland’s largest trading sector operator, serving millions daily through brick-and-mortar and digital stores. With a strong foundation in the Grocery, Building and Technical, and Car trades, Kesko and its K-Retailers are uniquely situated to encourage sustainable consumption in the most practical aspects of everyday life.

We are proud to partner with Kesko, a company globally recognized as a consistently high-performing leader in sustainability. Our collaboration aimed to enhance the impact of Kesko's ongoing sustainability efforts.

Developing wider sustainability awareness across the company

Kesko is well aware of its potential to enable sustainable choices for customers in all its operating countries. This commitment is evident in their ambitious sustainability strategy, developed in close collaboration among all Kesko divisions. But while leadership teams were committed, the next step was to ensure that employees in various roles across the organization were equally engaged.

Kesko turned to Bitville for help in fostering broader sustainability awareness. The challenge was clear: How might we effectively bring on board a potential audience of 45  000 K Group employees across seven countries and eight languages — to inspire and empower people to pull together in the same direction?

Individualized paths — one common destination

Together we set out to build customized learning journeys for each division. We aimed to inspire change by engaging learners with real-world examples and thought-provoking activities specifically tailored to their division.

These learning journeys not only highlighted Kesko’s efforts but, crucially, showed how each individual employee could help to reduce emissions, increase energy efficiency, promote a circular economy, and support a more sustainable society overall through their work at Kesko.

All learning journeys were translated into the seven languages spoken at Kesko, using Bitville’s localization tool, This ensured maximum accessibility and minimized obstacles to building awareness and promoting behavior change towards more sustainable ways of thinking.

We really enjoyed working with Bitville. They were very professional and clearly committed to helping us achieve great results in our sustainability trainings. They’re an agile partner whose flexibility and attention to detail set a very high standard.

Tiina Suvanto
Director, Sustainability and Public Affairs

The bread and butter of success

Both Kesko and Bitville knew that this project would not be simple. Close collaboration was a defining feature at every stage. Bitville worked in coordination with Kesko’s sustainability leadership, the divisions’ sustainability experts, brand and communications, and the learning & development team to bring all learning journeys and language versions to life.

The fruits of our collaboration

Our collaboration led to several great results. Firstly, the learning journeys received enthusiastic feedback from employees as well as from leadership. However, satisfied learners are just the beginning. These courses are continuing to bring Kesko’s sustainability vision, goals, and efforts closer to both new and long-standing employees. For many, these learning journeys serve as the most accessible introduction to sustainability at Kesko. They also provide an understanding of how each employee can make a difference in their respective roles. The prospect of what Kesko can achieve next in sustainability is very exciting.

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