Where a diverse and inclusive culture matters


Digital Learning | DEI | UI/UX Design

Words into action

Nokia has long been pioneering a diverse and inclusive business environment. With a safe working environment, employees feel free to voice their opinions, express their ideas and work in effective teams. For Nokia, it's imperative that their working culture allows employees to be themselves without having to worry about their identity or background affecting how they perform at work. Inclusive teams show higher intelligence, therefore it's important that employees can learn to listen, share and advance their emotional skills within these teams.

Working together

The campaign Moving Beyond Bias targeted all Nokia employees with the aim of highlighting the importance of diversity and inclusion. Bitville created this e-learning together with the HR specialists at Nokia.

The campaign aimed at fostering a common understanding to counteract bias and help shift from a fixed mindset.

Assessments to map their needs

We used a pre-assessment to see what learners knew about the topic of unconscious bias at the start of the campaign with an open field question. To gauge whether their thinking had changed, we introduced a post-assessment. With the information from the surveys, we created a targeted solution that resonated with the audience and helped meet the campaign goals.

Meaningful content

To deliver the content, we created a learning experience platform with informative sequences on, for example, unconscious biases in recruitment and brain research. The theoretical part was then interspersed with realistic scenarios where the users were able to practise how to make sound decisions. The content comprised videos, images, activities, graphics, and storytelling.

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